Wieden + Kennedy - Portland |
This blog includes bits 'n pieces of lessons that I have learned with every failure.
The Eat4Health Winter Challenge is the first competition that I started at Weight Loss Wars. It's a relatively small group compared to the other two competitions I am in but they will always be big for me. They were my trigger. They got me going. So thanks for that! :)
One of the lessons I have had to make peace with is the idea of counting calories. I have to admit that I have always hated the idea of having to count calories. It just seems like such a hassle and it made me think that the only way to make it easy was to eat very simple foods which would make the counting easier. The problem there was that I would get bored quickly because I would end up eating the same foods and by the end of the week all I wanted was a "real meal" and... off the wagon I went.
What I have been doing now for the last month or so is creating my menu and writing down the calories for each meal ahead of time. That way, it's done for the whole week and I only have to add something if I eat out which is something I try to avoid (I'll talk about restaurants in a later post). NutritionData is a great place to get an accurate count of calories. I use it to calculate my total calories of the day, for every meal, everyday. It takes some time to sit down and make all the calculations so put on your favorite music and do the count on one sitting.
* A link to NutritionData.com can be found under the TOOLBOX heading on the right.
You are doing great! Stay encouraged, it's contagious for others :)