
Monday, May 30, 2011

It's my birthday!

So... I did not disappear, die, or quit... I have just been really busy.
I am working really hard on summer classes, teaching, conference papers, traveling plans, chores, errands, etc... in short, blogging has not been my priority. But I am not gone. I am simply moving to Tumblr for a little while. I'll be back next year but I have decided that, at least for now, tumblr is a better fit. The premise of the tumblr microblog is to share one good choice I have made every day. 

Follow the microblog at

Today I turned 34 and I want this year to be amazing so I am going to make some changes and turn my life around one choice at a time. I hope that you follow me in my new home and encourage me along the way. I won't be able to do it alone.

To my WLW family... I will be back soon (around late August)... for now... I wish you the best and hope that you do the same for me.

Good-bye Blogger. See you next year.